When you have a child with someone outside of marriage in Illinois, you need to take certain steps if you wish to have legal rights over your son or daughter. Before you obtain these rights or have your name printed on your child’s birth certificate, you need to...
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Year: 2021
Are all your assets shared in an Illinois divorce?
Creating an agreement that divides property equitably in a divorce can be challenging. Illinois law divides marital property but not separate property. It can be complex to determine which assets are individual and which you share with your spouse. In some cases, a...
Is your spouse hiding money?
Having a successful career should not come as a detriment should you need to divorce. However, in some instances, high-asset marriages may end in one spouse going to great lengths to try and come out with more of the marital pot. Concealing marital assets is a problem...
What you need to know about alimony in Illinois
During a divorce, you and your spouse will need to divide your marital property and arrange custody agreements and child support if you have young children. In some cases, one of you may also need to pay alimony to the other. If you are considering a divorce in...
How do added expenses affect child support?
Raising a child is often not an inexpensive endeavor. In fact, according to one recent survey, parents spend more than $13,000 per year on their kids. If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you likely already know you may either have to pay or be eligible to...
Modifying a parenting plan in Illinois
In Illinois, parents of one or more children who are getting divorced or are not living together will typically create a formal plan about parenting time and childcare. Parents may be able to modify a parenting plan if there is a change in circumstances that affects...